Community Hall

Terms & Conditions

1 Interpretations

a.”WLCH” means Westbury Leigh Community Hall

b. “The Hall” means Westbury Leigh Community Hall and adjacent grounds.

c.”The Committee” means the Booking Officer and/or the Caretaker or any other person authorised to act on behalf of WLCH.

d.”Hirer” means the person making an application for personal use or use by an organisation.

e.”Contract for Hire” means the formal written particulars of the Hirer’s use of the Hall and the rules and regulations contained therein, which shall be deemed to include these terms and conditions.

f. “WLCPL” means Westbury Leigh Community Project Limited, the parent charity of Westbury Leigh Community Hall.

2 Hirers’ Responsibilities

a. The Hirer shall ensure that no admission or re-admission to dances is permitted after 10.30pm and that dancing takes place in the main hall only.

b. The Hirer shall agree all arrangements for seating, decoration, scenery or structures of any description (inc. bouncy castles etc) with the Committee prior to the commencement of the hire, and shall agree to abide by the licensing regulations in force at the time of hire.

c.No additional lighting effects or electrical equipment shall be introduced into the premises without the previous consent of the Committee, who may appoint a competent electrician or lighting engineer to check its suitability. A charge may be levied for this service.

d. The Hirer shall not bring or permit to be brought on to the premises any explosives, inflammable spirits or fireworks of any kind nor without consent install any portable heaters of any type.

e. The Hirer shall not permit to be given any cinematograph show on the premises unless non-flammable films are used.

f. The Hirer shall not without prior written agreement of the Committee use or permit to be used any naked lights, any inflammable material, costume, decorations or scenery on the premises and shall not allow any act or performance to take place on the premises which might endanger persons on the premises or the premises themselves.

g. The Hirer shall not permit the use of streamers, party poppers, silly string or confetti inside the premises, nor fireworks within the grounds.

h. No wax or powder shall be placed on the floor without the permission of the booking secretary and a cleaning charge may apply.

i. The Hirer shall not use the premises for any purpose other than that described on the booking form.

j. The Hirer does not have the right to assign or sublet any of their rights or liabilities under the contract of hire to any other person or persons.

k. The Hirer shall ensure that the maximum number of persons in the Hall at any one time shall not exceed that prescribed by government COVID-19 regulations at the time of the event or one hundred and twenty (120) where those regulations are relaxed.

l. The Hirer shall be responsible for the maintenance of good order and efficient supervision at the premises. The Committee shall where necessary take the appropriate steps to ensure the preservation of order.

m. The Hirer shall keep all gangways, doorways, passages, entrances and exits unobstructed and all exits of the premises unlocked whilst the function is in progress.

n. The Chapel area of the premises does not form part of the Hall and must not be entered except as an escape route in an emergency. The break-glass security must not be tampered with except when the escape route is required in an emergency.

o. The Hirer shall not give or permit to be given any gratuity to any member of staff.

p. The Hirer shall, if preparing, serving or selling food observe all the relevant health and hygiene legislation and regulations.

q. The Hirer shall ensure that any activities for children under eight years of age will comply with the provisions of The Childrens Act 1989 and that only fit and proper persons have access to children.

3 Bookings

a. Applications for the hiring of the Hall must be made on the appropriate booking form.

b. WLCH reserve the right to refuse any bookings or to impose any special conditions or restrictions.

4 Charges

a. Charges for the use of facilities shall be those as outlined in the accompanying scale of charges. WLCH reserves the right to alter the scale of charges without notice.

5 Payment

a. If not paid for at time of booking, individual bookings will be invoiced prior to the event and shall be paid  in full within 7 days of the date of invoice.  In the event of non-payment by such date WLCH reserves the right to cancel the booking without further liability on their part.

b. Payment should be made via bank transfer or PayPal. Details as on the booking form and invoice. We regret due to reduced availability of in person banking services cheques and cash are no longer usually accepted. If no alternative can be found, cheques should be made payable to “Westbury Leigh Community Project Ltd.”.

c. All correspondence relating to accounts should be addressed to the Booking Secretary.

6 Cancellation

a. Should the Hirer wish to cancel their booking they remain liable for the appropriate charge as outlined in the scale of charges.

b. WLCH reserves the right to cancel the use of the premises at any time and for whatever reason. All money paid in respect of the booking will be refunded. WLCH will not be liable for any other expenditure or loss sustained, directly or indirectly by the Hirer arising from the cancellation.

7 Damage To or Loss of Property

a. WLCH accepts no liability for damage to, or loss of, any property or articles or things whatsoever, placed or left in the Hall or any part thereof, by any organisation, or member of any organisation or any individual.

8 Damage Caused

a. WLCH reserves the right to demand a refundable ‘damage and cleaning deposit’, which shall be subject to any deduction in the event of damage being caused to the Hall, fixtures and fittings or insufficient cleaning effort by the hirer after their event.

b. The Hirer shall pay WLCH on demand the cost incurred of repair of any damage above that in the damage and cleaning deposit (fair wear and tear excluded) caused to the Hall, fixtures or fittings by the Hirer or any person participating in an event at the invitation of the Hirer. The amount shall be certified by the Committee whose decision shall be final.

9 Indemnity

a. The Hirer shall indemnify WLCH against all claims, damages to or loss of property belonging to any person during the course of, or in consequence of the hiring.

b. The Hirer shall indemnify WLCH against all claims, demands, actions and proceedings in respect of any infringement of copyright by an unauthorised performance or use of recording apparatus or contrivance at the Hall by the Hirer or his agent.

c. The Hirer shall not play or permit to be played , gramophone records, radios, tapes or discs in the Hall, or perform any work which will infringe any copyright. Guidance on compliance with regulations may be sought from the Bookings Officer.

d. Whenever the function includes the public performance of any copyright work, the Hirer must secure from the appropriate persons or bodies the right to have such works performed or produced and must reimburse WLCH all sums of money which they may have to pay in respect of such performance or by reason of any infringement of copyright occurring during the hiring.

10 Hirer to Insure

a. If required by WLCH the Hirer shall effect, before the date of the hiring, insurance in the joint names of WLCH and the Hirer against the Hirer’s liability to third parties in connection with the hiring for an amount to be prescribed by WLCH and shall produce evidence of such cover to the Committee.

11 First Aid

a. The Hirer may be requested to provide suitable, qualified First Aid cover if deemed necessary by the type of activity undertaken. The Committee may be able to provide such cover at an appropriate charge.

12 Broadcasting and Filming Rights

a. No Hirer booking the facility may grant broadcast (whether sound, television, cable or satellite) rights to any third party in respect of any event to be held at the Hall, without the prior written consent of WLCH.

b. If such consent is given, WLCH reserve the right to take part in negotiations, to be a party to the terms and conditions of any agreement reached and to take all or share in any income and publicity derived there from.

13 Photographs and Video Recording

a. Photographs for professional use and publication thereof are not permitted in the Hall without the permission of the Committee. The use of video recording equipment is likewise not permitted in the Hall without the permission of the Committee.

14 Sale of Goods

a. The Hirer shall comply with the code of conduct for occasional sales issued by the Wiltshire Council.

15 Advertising

a. The Hirer shall not advertise or publicly announce any event to take place in the Hall without approval, in writing, of the Committee.

16 Gambling

a. No sweepstake, raffle or any other kind of lottery shall be promoted, conducted or held on the premises except such lotteries as are deemed to be lawful by virtue of any enactment relating to Gambling, Betting and Lotteries and for which approval has been given by WLCH in writing.

17 Smoking

a. Smoking or Vaping is prohibited anywhere on the premises, including the car park and lawns.

18 Animals

a. With the exception of specified events and Guide Dogs, animals are not admitted to the Hall.

19 Vacation of Premises

a. The Hirer shall ensure that the part or parts of the facility used are left in a tidy and orderly condition at the end of each period of use. WLCH reserve the right to levy an additional cleaning charge should the premises be left in such a state as to necessitate additional cleaning beyond that allowed for in the damage and cleaning deposit.

b. All recyclable refuse must be disposed of in the waste skip provided together with all other refuse (the Hall waste disposal contract includes recycling of refuse in this ship), alternatively the hirer may remove all recyclable refuse themselves.

c. The Hirer is to ensure that no soiled nappies are left on the premises.

d. Preparation and clearing up time is to be included in the hire period. Functions should end by 23:30 hours and the premises vacated by 00:00hrs (midnight).

20 Licences

a. If it is necessary for WLCH to apply to Wiltshire Council for an extension or variation of the terms of any licence issued by them to WLCPL or for any special order of exemption from the terms of such licence, the Hirer shall not advertise the provisions as to licensing at the function until after the Council has considered and dealt with WLCH’s application and shall where appropriate pay WLCH’s necessary expenses for so doing, including the licence fee.

21 Stage Entertainments

a. The Hirer must comply with the terms and conditions of WLCH’s licence for the performance of stage entertainment in respect of any function to which such licence applies.

22 Nuisance

a. The Hirer shall not cause any nuisance. Noise, particularly music, must be kept within reasonable limits.

23 Additional and Special Conditions

a. WLCH reserve the right to impose additional conditions or to vary the conditions on any hiring provided that notice thereof is given to the Hirer not less than 48 hours before the commencement of the function is practicable.

b. WLCH are obliged by law to impose certain additional conditions relating to the health and safety of all Hall users during the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. It is the Hirers responsibility to comply with all legal restrictions and conditions in force  DURING THE HIRE PERIOD. The additional terms and conditions specific to COVID-19 security are to be found in Appendix A of this document and must be accepted with the rest of the term and conditions as pre-condition of hiring the hall.

24 Failure to Observe Conditions

a. If the Hirer shall fail to observe or perform or secure the due observances or performance by others of these Conditions, WLCH may without notice forthwith cancel the Hirer’s booking and any rights of the Hirer shall thereupon cease. Such cancellation shall not release the Hirer from any of their obligations or affect any right to remedy which WLCH may have and, notwithstanding the provisions of Condition 9 hereof, WLCH shall be entitled to retain for their own use and benefit any moneys paid by way of deposit and to sue for any balance outstanding.

25 Fire Exits

Fire exits are clearly marked throughout the building and maps indicating their positions are clearly displayed in the main hall, kitchen and upper room.

26 Privacy Notice

WLCH acts responsibly with regards to information and in compliance with Data Protection legislation.  By booking the Hall for a function, the Hirer gives consent for WLCH to hold their personal information for the legitimate purpose of managing the booking.  Such data is stored on home computers (access to which is password-protected) and on secure database systems (which may be based outside the UK through the use of “cloud-based” services).  WLCH does not share personal information with third parties.



Additional terms and conditions specific to maintaining COVID-19 safety and legal compliance.

As a condition of hiring the Hall you must accept these new practices and conditions of use. As the Hirer you will be responsible for ensuring they are followed by your group to protect all Hall users as far as reasonably possible.

a. The Hirer or any member of the hiring group must not attend the Hall whilst presenting COVID-19 symptoms as identified by the NHS and government at the time of hire.

b. If the Hirer or a member of the hiring group develop symptoms during the hire period they must isolate themselves in the designated area of the Hall until able to return home (see notices in the Hall to identify the designated isolation area). You must inform the Hall committee immediately to permit notification of the occurrence to the NHS Track and Trace system and to initiate thorough cleaning of the Hall.

c. Social distancing as described in Government Guidelines at the time of hire and as indicated by signs in the Hall must be maintained by all Hall users at all times whilst on Hall premises including the car park.

d. The Hirer and all those attending their event must comply with the law regarding the wearing of face coverings that is in force at the time of hire.

e. The Hirer must ensure that the number of people attending their event does not exceed the legally specified maximum at the time of the event.

f. It is the responsibility of the Hirer to clean all Hall touch surfaces used during the hire (for example furniture, door handles, switches, equipment) before, during and after the hire in accordance with government guidelines. Additional time is allocated by the Bookings Secretary at the start and end of each hire period to allow this.

g. The Hirer must gather contact information for all those attending their event and provide the information to the Hall to allow the committee to fulfil their legal obligation to hold this information. Contact tracing sheets and QR codes are provided to assist this. The information will be retained for 21 days and then destroyed if not used. The Hirer is also obliged to inform the committee in the event that any member of their group using the Hall develops COVID symptoms within the government specified period, to allow the Committee to fulfil their legal obligation to inform NHS Track and Trace, other potentially affected users and to initiate thorough cleaning of the Hall.

h. The Hirer must carry out a risk assessment for their activity as a pre-requisite for Hall hire.

i. The Hirer is responsible for ensuring appropriate insurance cover for their activity is in place.